When the hardware store down the street sells a similar product or it can be purchased online with a single click, why should you buy an industrial grade product from a local business?
When shopping at the hardware store, store brand models usually indicate the product has been made with cheaper parts, lacking in durability. While this equipment is good, it’s not great. Off brand equipment, specifically welders, are built with whatever bargain priced parts are on the market at the time. This develops an issue when any of these parts break. Looking for compatible consumables or parts to repair the machine will lead the consumer down a frustrating rabbit hole, as they can be extremely difficult to track down, and therefore difficult to fix. A piece of equipment may even appear to be the same high-quality brand, such as Lincoln or Miller, but it is still not considered industrial grade.
Although power tools and equipment such as welding machines may be cheaper at Home Depot, Lowes or even Amazon, an industrial grade product purchased from a manufacturer recommended distributor is the only wise way to go. It’s the only way to guarantee a high-quality product with after-purchase support if and when anything goes wrong. When searching for a welder distributor on a manufacturer’s website, hardware stores are not listed.
Online purchases are especially dangerous, because there is no face-to-face interaction to ensure you are buying the right product or materials needed for your specific application. Without a customer service resource, such complex equipment can cause issues in your workflow, slow down what you are trying to accomplish and create un-needed additional expenses.
When making the large purchase of industrial equipment, it is vital that the product has a warranty. Manufacturers typically include a 3-year warranty. Hardware stores do not perform warranty work when equipment breaks, so the customer would be required to find a business like Rocky Mountain Air willing to fix the product and incur additional cost. If you buy the product from RMA, we will do the warranty work for free.
In the end, it’s well worth the money and could be the most economical and efficient option when everything from pre-purchase questions to warranty repairs are all done at the same location.
Manufacturer Recommended
Rocky Mountain Air is a manufacturer recommended local distributor of Miller and Lincoln industrial equipment in the western region of the United States. If you purchase industrial equipment from RMA, a manufacturer warranty is guaranteed with the transaction. As long as the warranty is still covered, we will service any product for free if it has been purchased from us. You are not only purchasing a product from us, but unlimited customer support from trained experts to answer any questions or perform maintenance. If the welding machine, plasma machine or other piece of equipment has not been purchased from RMA, we are still happy to work on it.
Customer support goes well beyond the initial purchase, as RMA has specialists available to offer advice in specialty areas. We offer machine servicing, warranty fixes, education on repairs and can answer questions regarding which product is right for your desired application. Whether it’s for work or for a hobby, our expert level advisors have the knowledge to help with any questions you may have. We have specialists in each of the following areas:
– Filler Metal Specialists
– Abrasive Specialists
– Gas Specialists
Help us help you be more efficient. For warranty repairs, product and usage questions, or if you are interested in purchasing a welding machine or any other industrial grade equipment, give the experts at your local RMA branch a call today. View our monthly product flier for sales and everyday low prices on industrial grade equipment like Lincoln welding machines and Victor plasma machines. We strive to provide flawless dependability in all that we do. We look forward to serving you.