Image for How Atmospheric Gases Are Used in the Food and Beverage Industries

How Atmospheric Gases Are Used in the Food and Beverage Industries

Gases / Industries

Without the aid of atmospheric gases, the food and beverage industries as we know them would not survive. Transferring food would be nearly impossible, shelf life would be minimal and producers and distributors would have outrageous disposal costs. Atmospheric gas packaging ensures that food upholds its visual appeal, flavor and texture, while locking in nutrition.

Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen play significant roles in food preservation and transport. Both Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide, sometimes in a mixture, prevent oxygen exposure from the onset of oxidation, which causes unhealthy compounds, unpleasant tastes and awful odors by displacing oxygen in food packaging. Nitrogen improves freezing and refrigeration techniques, and dry ice (frozen CO2) prevents insect infestation in grains and farm products. The right mixture is essential to the functionality of these industries, which is something that Rocky Mountain Air Solutions is always more than happy to give consultation on.

Modified Atmospheric Packaging (MAP), also known as reduced oxygen packaging, is a blend of Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen and Nitrogen that is used specifically to preserve fresh produce, for sparging and brewing applications, blanketing and purging after packaging, and protection against oxidation. This mixture is tailored to the food and beverage industries and is one of many lines of Mixed Gases that can be ordered through Rocky Mountain Air Solutions.

Moisture inside of packaged food invites unwanted bacteria, mold and mildew, which is why Nitrogen is used to displace Oxygen and lock out moisture. Depending on the type of food and storage location, more or less Nitrogen is required. More Nitrogen is necessary for fresh foods like fruits and vegetables, seafood, meat and meat products, while dried goods such as honey and rice require less Nitrogen. MAP maintains the quality of food during transport and increases shelf life, allowing more ground coverage for producers to deliver their products to locations where they may not be as abundant. As an added bonus, all of these benefits occur while decreasing the amount of harmful preservatives that would otherwise be sneaking their way into your diet. Since atmospheric gas is part of the air we breathe, it is safe as a food and beverage packaging gas.

Carbon Dioxide is especially vital in maintaining the freshness and flavor of beverages – particularly in your favorite alcoholic drinks. Carbonating soda and mineral water is not its only purpose, as it also maintains a fresh taste and color throughout production, transfer, storage and bottling. Carbon Dioxide prevents unwanted oxidation and premature fermentation at breweries and wineries. Without help from atmospheric gases, wine and beer would ferment too quickly. To slow down the process, Carbon Dioxide and dry ice are used to blanket wine vats to keep them cold enough for oxidation prevention, ensuring that the procedure is not disrupted. In the case of Breweries, they will use Carbon Dioxide to prevent oxidation after beer has already been fermented, by keeping Oxygen away. Carbon Dioxide is also used in the operations of inerting, transferring to storage tanks, priming bottles and maintaining quality from barrel to bottle.  

Rocky Mountain Air Solutions is dedicated to serving these industries by providing flawless dependability and perfection of the process of food and beverage manufacturing so that oxidation is your least concern. As a food and beverage gas supplier in the Rocky Mountain region, we always strive to be responsive and efficient when meeting the needs of your establishment or processing facility, including following FDA rules and guidelines. Not only are we committed to timely deliveries with our next day delivery option, we also equip our customers with cylinders that are up to code and free from contamination. In the event that you encounter an emergency, we also provide emergency delivery options. Our gases and equipment for food preservation are available for delivery, as we continue to work behind the scenes with manufacturing and packaging facilities, bottlers, breweries and restaurants. 

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