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High Purity Surgical Gases for Veterinary Medicine

Gases / Industries

High purity gases are just as vital in veterinary medicine as they are in traditional medical procedures on humans. Atmospheric gases cannot accomplish the same goals if they are not free of impurities. While oxygen is a gas of obvious importance across all medical spectrums, nitrous oxide, liquid nitrogen, and even compressed air play very specific roles as surgical gases in veterinary medicine, working in areas of cryosurgery, the operation of surgical tools, anesthetics, and analgesics.



Cryosurgery for animals does not technically involve cutting, but freezing tissues at subzero temperatures using liquid nitrogen administered through a cryoprobe. Its main use is on varying skin conditions, including tumors, killing diseased tissues, and numbing surrounded surface areas, with no damage inflicted. The task can sometimes be accomplished without anesthesia, but it is usually required. Cryosurgery can take multiple treatment attempts on the animals depending on the severity of the tumor, lesion, or skin condition.


Running Surgical Tools

Surgical tools do not rely on electricity alone. Compressed air and nitrogen are gases used for powering surgical tools. Instrument precision relies on appropriate pressure, purity, and dryness to perform well, and to maintain cleanliness during the job. Purity is essential when handling open wounds, as is air pressure when handling fragile tissues. Compressed air or nitrogen can clean open wounds, keeping them free from foreign debris.


Anesthetic Gases

Oxygen is an important gas for administering anesthesia prior to surgery, and for waking the animal up post-operation. Oxygen, mixed with additional anesthetic gases (halothane and isoflurane, among others) to keep the patient unconscious, flows through an endotracheal tube. Rebreathing anesthesia systems replace exhaled carbon dioxide with oxygen and the anesthetic gases. The amount administered is always determined by the animal’s weight and health history.


Analgesic Gases

For a mild analgesic, veterinarians may opt for nitrous oxide, which allows the animal a very short-term sedation. This reduces anxiety and pain, calming down the animal enough for the veterinarian to complete the necessary treatment. Unlike a general anesthetic, nitrous oxide leaves the body more quickly, and has less adverse effects. This quick treatment method is administered through a mask and is directly inhaled. Alongside the use of analgesics, oxygen is needed to help patients out of a sedative state, to limit the possibility of dysphoria.


Supplying Veterinary Clinics in the Rocky Mountain Region

Rocky Mountain Air is a supplier of medical-grade gases in the Rocky Mountain region and surrounding states of Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, and Nebraska. With experience in serving these specific applications, we are prepared to evaluate your medical-grade gas usage no matter the scale of your veterinary medical clinic. For small veterinary clinics, high pressure tanks may work best for your operation, while bulk tanks may be preferable for rehabilitation clinics and emergency veterinary hospitals.

Contact your local RMA location today in any one of our five states to learn how we can supply you with the best medical-grade gases for your veterinary practice. We look forward to serving you.

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