In a world that increasingly demands more of us – our time, our energy, our endurance – it is easy to forget how to and what it means to take care of ourselves. Our work is consumed with the kinds of exciting and good changes that go with improving the work of our customers and ourselves. But that can also mean that we don’t take much time to take care of ourselves.
At Rocky Mountain Air Solutions, we have asked our employees to join us in the Bolder Boulder 10K race every year for the past 5 years. It’s a fun event full of energy and games. We ask them to bring their families and we enjoy dinner together the night before so that we can spend some time outside of the office connecting and enjoying our company. 2018 was a big year for us because we have begun adding additional wellness events like the Cherry Creek Sneak 5k. It’s quite a bit easier for our little ones for one thing, but it retains that same positive energy and chance to get outside and away from our desks. It is also a demonstration that self-care doesn’t have to be a once a year thing. We can participate in our communities year-round while we work on moving a little more and connecting a little better. Our results? A better team to serve our customers.